Pier della Francesco’s paintings transformed into poetry

Pier della Francesco’s paintings transformed into poetry

Pier della Francesco was an Italian painter of the Early Renaissance. Mrs. Dana Prescott edited and introduced the anthology called "Feathers from the Angel's Wing" which features poems inspired by the paintings of Pier della Francesco. Mongolian poet G.Mend-Ooyo’s wrote a poem "The Pregnant Madonna" during his residency at the Civitella castle in Umbria, Italy in 2014.  The poem was included in the anthology and he was invited to read the poem at the book launch held at the the Notre Dame University in Rome. At the event, he gifted a copy of his latest novel "Shiliin Bogd"  (The Sacred Mountain), to the library of the Civitella Rainery Foundation in which he completed the last chapter of the novel. 

About Feathers from the Angel’s Wing:

In this exquisite anthology, esteemed poets from America, Italy, and elsewhere follow the renowned Piero Trail, a route through Tuscany and Umbria that features some of the most acclaimed frescoes by the legendary Renaissance painter, Piero della Francesca. The resulting poems—including ones by Henri Cole, Jorie Graham, Charles Wright, and Patti Smtih—capture Piero’s incomparable influence in the artistic, literary, and spiritual worlds, generated as they are by the transcendence of Piero’s timeless powers. Including twelve reproductions of Piero’s frescoes, a foreword by Rosanna Warren, and an introduction by anthologist Dana Prescott, Feathers from the Angel’s Wing is unforgettable collection, a book to be cherished by lovers of art, artists, and the spirits that move them.